Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) Beneficiaries Map

This online interactive map shows the spatial distribution of the Sustainable Livelihood Program of DSWD. (data as of May 2019)

The SLP is a community-based capacity building program that increases the economic opportunities of the households through the different modalities that it offers such as skills training, seed capital fund, employment assistance fund,and the cash for building livelihood assets. It is implemented through the Community-Driven Enterprise Development approach which equips program participants to actively contribute to production and labor markets by looking at available resources and accessible markets. Since its implementation from January 2011 to December 2018, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has served a total of 1,036,358 households and were linked with public and private partners for either micro-enterprise development or employment facilitation.

Click/highlight a region/s on the bar graph to zoom in the location on the map or simply hover through the map.